Ultimate Back Workout: The Best Back Exercises for a Thick, Wide Back.
If you want a wide, thick, and strong back, then
you want to do these exercises and workouts…
1 – Wide grip lat pulldown [front and behind the
2 – Chin-up
3 – Seated cable rows
4 – Single-arm dumbbell row
5 – Bent over barbell row
6 – Barbell deadlift
1- Wide grip lat pull
down[front and behind the neck]
Front- Sit on a bench facing an adjustable cable machine with a lat
pulldown bar positioned on a high setting. With your back straight, grab the
bar with an overhand grip, your arms fully extended and your hands about twice
shoulder-width apart.
Pull your
shoulder blades down and back, bringing the bar to your chest. Pause and then
return to the starting position.
Behind the neck- you
have both arms extended in front of you holding the bar at the chosen grip
width, bring your torso and head forward. Think of an imaginary line from the
center of the bar down to the back of your neck. This is your starting
As you breathe out, bring the bar down until it touches the back of your
neck by drawing the shoulders and the upper arms down and back.
After a second on the contracted position squeezing your shoulder blades
together, slowly raise the bar back to the starting position when your arms are
fully extended and the lats are fully stretched. Inhale during this portion of
the movement.
Repeat this motion for the prescribed amount of repetitions.
2 –
Chin up: The chin-up (also known as a chin or chin
up) is a strength training exercise. Chin-ups can help improve
grip strength, posture, and appearance, while also helping to strengthen muscles
that stabilize the spine. Chin-ups and pull-ups can and should be integrated into
the overall needs and goals of your fitness routine. ... If your goal is to
increase endurance, then they can be done on a daily basis. If
your goal is to increase strength, size and/or power, then at least a day of
rest between exercise sessions is required.
3-seated Cable
Rows - Seated
Cable rows is a pulling exercise that works the back muscles in general. The seated cable row is a key muscle builder and
strength developer for your back. However, good technique is important if you
are to achieve optimum results safely. Keep in mind that this is a deceptively
complex exercise, with stiff penalties for poor execution.
4- Single arm dumbbell row – Single-arm dumbbell row is a very efficient exercise for back muscles. Put
your left leg on the bench and grab the far side with your left hand, then just
bend over that’s why your body is parallel with the ground. Reach down and pick
up the dumbbell with your right hand and hold it with your arm extend keeping
your back straight.
5- Bent over Barbell row –The bent-over barbell row works for many muscles groups. The main muscles group target is back.
Technique- First of all you have your
barbell loaded as much as you can, then stand with your feet shoulder-width
apart. Bend your knees forward from the waist. Your knees should be bend but
your stays straight, Grab the bar with your hands, just wider than
shoulder-width apart and let it hang with your arms straight.
Pull the bar and squeeze your shoulders
together to row the weight up until it touches your sternum, then slowly lower
it back down again. There is just one rep. Shoot for
three sets of 8 to 12 reps.
the weight higher to your chest works your upper-back muscles while pulling the
weight closer to your waist works your mid-back muscles.