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Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Ultimate Back Workout: The Best Back Exercises for a Thick, Wide Back.

The Ultimate Back Workout: The Best Back Exercises for a Thick, Wide Back.

         If you want a wide, thick, and strong back, then you want to do these exercises and workouts…
1 – Wide grip lat pulldown [front and behind the neck]
           2 – Chin-up
           3 – Seated cable rows
           4 – Single-arm dumbbell row
           5 – Bent over barbell row
           6 – Barbell deadlift

1-   Wide grip lat pull down[front and behind the neck]

Front- Sit on a bench facing an adjustable cable machine with a lat pulldown bar positioned on a high setting. With your back straight, grab the bar with an overhand grip, your arms fully extended and your hands about twice shoulder-width apart.
Pull your shoulder blades down and back, bringing the bar to your chest. Pause and then return to the starting position.

          Behind the neck- you have both arms extended in front of you holding the bar at the chosen grip width, bring your torso and head forward. Think of an imaginary line from the center of the bar down to the back of your neck. This is your starting position.
As you breathe out, bring the bar down until it touches the back of your neck by drawing the shoulders and the upper arms down and back.
After a second on the contracted position squeezing your shoulder blades together, slowly raise the bar back to the starting position when your arms are fully extended and the lats are fully stretched. Inhale during this portion of the movement.
Repeat this motion for the prescribed amount of repetitions.

2 – Chin up: The chin-up (also known as a chin or chin up) is a strength training exercise. Chin-ups can help improve grip strength, posture, and appearance, while also helping to strengthen muscles that stabilize the spine.  Chin-ups and pull-ups can and should be integrated into the overall needs and goals of your fitness routine. ... If your goal is to increase endurance, then they can be done on a daily basis. If your goal is to increase strength, size and/or power, then at least a day of rest between exercise sessions is required.

3-seated Cable Rows - Seated Cable rows is a pulling exercise that works the back muscles in general. The seated cable row is a key muscle builder and strength developer for your back. However, good technique is important if you are to achieve optimum results safely. Keep in mind that this is a deceptively complex exercise, with stiff penalties for poor execution.

4- Single arm dumbbell row – Single-arm dumbbell row is a very efficient exercise for back muscles. Put your left leg on the bench and grab the far side with your left hand, then just bend over that’s why your body is parallel with the ground. Reach down and pick up the dumbbell with your right hand and hold it with your arm extend keeping your back straight.

5- Bent over Barbell row –The bent-over barbell row works for many muscles groups. The main muscles group target is back.
            Technique- First of all you have your barbell loaded as much as you can, then stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees forward from the waist. Your knees should be bend but your stays straight, Grab the bar with your hands, just wider than shoulder-width apart and let it hang with your arms straight.
Pull the bar and squeeze your shoulders together to row the weight up until it touches your sternum, then slowly lower it back down again. There is just one rep. Shoot for three sets of 8 to 12 reps.
 Pulling the weight higher to your chest works your upper-back muscles while pulling the weight closer to your waist works your mid-back muscles.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Best Chest Exercises

     Best Chest Exercises of All Time

If you really want to pump up your pecs and build the best chest in the gym you need targeted exercises that exhaust your muscles in the best way possible.
Because the chest muscles (specifically the pectoralis major, aka pecs) are so huge and contribute to so many movements, you’ll need more than just a handful of exercises to build your chest from every angle.
The plan is simple: it’s a seven-move workout made up of three sets. Do the moves in order, sticking to the sets, reps, tempo and rest periods.....

       1.     Push-up
        2.     Barbell Bench Press
        3.     Dumbbell Bench Press
        4.     Incline Dumbbell Flye
        5.     Dumbbell Pullover 

        6. Cable Crossover

        7. Pec-Deck Flye


                                  In a plank position, place your feet together, toes on the floor, with your hands wider than shoulder width and flat on the floor and your elbows extended. Keeping your head neutral and abs tight, lower yourself by bending your elbows until your chest gently touches the ground, then press through your palms until your arms are straight once again.

2.Barbell Bench Press-

                                  Grasp the bar just outside shoulder-width and arch your back so there’s space between your lower back and the bench. Pull the bar out of the rack and lower it to your sternum, tucking your elbows about 45° to your sides. When the bar touches your body, drive your feet hard into the floor and press the bar back up.

3.Dumbbell Bench Press-

                                     Lie back on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Hold the weights at shoulder-level, then press the weights straight up.

4. Dumbbell Flye-

                                Set an adjustable bench to a 30°-45° angle, and lie back on it with a dumbbell in each hand. Turn your wrists so your palms face each other. Press the weights straight over your chest, then, keeping a slight bend in your elbows, spread your arms open until you feel a stretch in your pecs, then bring the weights back together over your chest.
5.Dumbbell Pullover-

                                The pullover is one of a scant few options that work the chest at a completely different angle, in a top-to-bottom contraction. 
 Lie on a bench with your upper back, head and neck supported and your feet flat on the floor. Hold a dumbbell with your arms extended above your face. Maintaining just a slight bend in your elbow throughout, slowly lower the dumbbell backward, allowing your elbows to come to a point at which they align with your ears. When you’ve stretched as far as you can without bending your elbows, flex through your chest and lats to reverse direction to bring the dumbbell back overhead.
          6.Cable Crossover-

                              Stand in the direct center of a cable-cross station with your feet staggered, knees slightly bent and your focus forward, and grasp D-handles attached to the upper pulleys. Starting with your palms facing downward and elbows bent slightly, flex your pecs to draw the handles down and together, meeting below your waist. Try to keep your elbows up throughout the movement. Pause a moment for a peak contraction, then slowly allow the handles to return to the start position. Don’t let the weight stacks touch down between reps.
7.Pec-Deck Flye (Butterfly)-

 Adjust the handles so that the full range of motion the chest is lightly stretched.
Slight bend in the elbows, rotate shoulders so the elbows are behind you and keep them at wrist and shoulder height.
 Head and back against the pad, smoothly bring to center and back.
Breathe out as you pull together, and breathe in as you return.


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Triceps exercises

                   Triceps exercises

      The Best Triceps Exercises For All Levels Of Gym-Goer

 The triceps make up the majority of the muscle mass in your upper arms, which means if you’re chasing sleeve-busting muscles, you need to be doing triceps exercises regularly.

The plan is simple: it’s a six-move workout made up of three supersets. Do the moves in order, sticking to the sets, reps, tempo and rest periods.....
                     1-Triceps press- down
                    2- Bench Dips
                    3-Dumbbell overhead triceps extension
                    4-Cable overhead triceps extension
                    5-Roman chair dip
                    6-lying barbell triceps extension
1-   Triceps press-down...

                              Attach a straight or angled bar to a high pulley and hold it with your palms facing down (overhand grip) and your hands shoulder-width apart. Standing upright with your torso straight, bring your upper arms close to your body and perpendicular to the floor. Your forearms should be pointing up towards the pulley.
2-   Bench Dips...

                             Place two flat benches parallel to one another, around 1-2 m apart around shoulder-width apart, and put your heels on the edge of the other bench.
Keeping your body close to the bench, slowly lower in a dip until your elbows are at the same height as your shoulders. Slowly push back you, squeezing through the triceps. (adjust the width to suit your height). Place your hands on the edge of the bench,
3-   Dumbbell overhead triceps extension....

                               Sit upright on a low-back bench, feet flat on the floor. Grasp the inner plate of a dumbbell as you hold it overhead at full arm extension, wrapping your thumbs around the handle for safety. With your back and core solid, bend only at your elbows to lower the weight behind your head until your arms form 90-degree angles. Hold that stretch for a brief count, then press the weight back up to full extension. Keep your elbows tucked in close to your ears throughout the movement.
4-   Cable overhead triceps extension...

                                Attach a rope to the bottom pulley of the cable machine. Face away from the pulley and, holding the rope with both hands with palms facing each other (neutral grip), extend your arms until your hands are directly above your head. Your elbows should be in close to your head and the arms should be perpendicular to the floor with the knuckles pointing to the ceiling.
Slowly lower the rope behind your head as you hold the upper arms stationary. Inhale as you perform this movement and pause when your triceps are fully stretched. Breathe out as you return to the starting position by flexing your triceps.
   5-Roman chair dip.....

                                  Position yourself on the Roman chair (find a gym staff member to help you if you’ve not used one before). Bend your knees, slowly lower yourself, then press back up. Make sure to look up, keep your body straight and keep your elbows next to your body so they bend back behind you, rather than out to the sides.
  6-lying barbell triceps extension.....

                                      Lie on a bench, step or floor and hold the barbell with hands about shoulder-distance apart...Begin the exercise by extending the weight up over the head, palms facing out and thumbs next to the fingers....Bend the elbows and lower the weight until the elbows are at about 90-degree angles. This would be the part where you wouldn't want to crush your skull by going too low....Squeeze the triceps to straighten the arms without locking the joints.....Repeat for 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Biceps Exercises

                     Biceps Exercises
They may not be the biggest or the strongest muscle group in your body, but your biceps are arguably the best "show" muscles.
The plan is simple: it’s a five-move workout made up of three super sets. Do the moves in order, sticking to the sets, reps, tempo and rest periods.....
1-     Wide - grip standing barbell curl.
2-     Close - grip standing barbell curl.
3-     Regular - grip barbell curl.
4-     Dumbbell biceps curl.
5-     Hammer curl.

1-  Wide - grip standing barbell curl
                                 This is definitely one of the more common ways to hit this muscle group. Taking a wider-than-normal grip will cause you to externally rotate at the shoulder, so your upper arm changes its position, prompting more involvement from the short head of the biceps muscle.
You can overload during your workout by using bands chains, or a partner for forced reps, which you can't do very well using only a dumbbell.

              2- Close - grip standing barbell curl

                                                  Close grip standing barbell curl is the best all-around addition to your biceps workout. It engages both the short and long heads of the biceps muscle and for some people it's a lot more comfortable on the joints and forearms than a straight barbell!

              3- Regular – grip barbell curl
                                       The classic . If you did only this movement in your biceps workout, you would still come out ahead.
Of course, you can play around with your grip width (as in Exercise 1), which may reduce the discomfort that some people experience with a barbell, as well as emphasize a different part of the biceps. A narrower grip will emphasize the long head of the muscle, while a wider grip will emphasize the short head of the muscle.

       4- Dumbbell biceps curl
                                  Also a classic! Dumbbells allow the wrists to move freely, so most people adopt for a slight rotation of the wrist and forearm as they curl, which thickens  the muscle group .

            5-Hammer curl
                                                 The hammer will typically be our strongest curl during a biceps workout. This is because all of our elbow flexors are actively involved, and the forearm and wrist are in a power position. Doing this movement like a concentration curl or preacher curl (on a preacher bench) will minimize cheating and maximize muscle recruitment during the workout

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Holiday Workout

4 Moments You Can Steal For A Quick Workout During The Holidays

        The busiest time of the year is also the hardest time of the year to fit in your workouts. We get it! Between the shopping, the parties and the family gatherings—it can be super hard to catch a break in the day to work up a sweat. Our number one goal is to help you make healthy happen and the best way to do it is by finding the moments you can spare to get your heart rate pumping!


Here are a few of our favourite times to sneak in some calorie burning, like when you…

Wake Up a Few Minutes Early.....

When you wake up before the sun, you have two choices—turn over and catch a few extra ZZs OR get up and start your day with a little exercise. Start with a good stretch and move on to some core exercises on your floor. Russian twists, marching planks and donkey kicks are all great exercises to start your day off right! 

Put on favourite movie, but Don’t Chill....

Sometimes you just need a night to binge your favourite shows and relax from all the chaos the holidays can bring. Instead of heading to the couch with a bowl of popcorn, take it to the floor instead and start feeling the burn. Try a wall sit and time yourself. However long you can stand it, try and beat it on your next round!   

Are Waiting for the Laundry to Dry .....

You transferred the laundry over and finished folding the latest load. While you’re waiting for the dryer to beep with your next, why don’t you take a few minutes to do a mat work out? Mountain climbers , push ups, planks—they can all be done on the floor without needing any equipment!

Take Your Lunch Break......

A 9-5 can make it difficult to stay active and get your blood pumping during the day. We totally understand , which is why we’re sharing a few ideas for you to get your heart rate up in between emails and deadlines. Try doing a few reps of chair squats, tricep dips or challenge yourself to a minute of high knees! Some days you won’t be able to find the time, but when you can—get burn in’.....

The Ultimate Back Workout: The Best Back Exercises for a Thick, Wide Back.

The Ultimate Back Workout: The Best Back Exercises for a Thick, Wide Back.          If you want a wide, thick, and strong back, the...