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Saturday, January 5, 2019

Holiday Workout

4 Moments You Can Steal For A Quick Workout During The Holidays

        The busiest time of the year is also the hardest time of the year to fit in your workouts. We get it! Between the shopping, the parties and the family gatherings—it can be super hard to catch a break in the day to work up a sweat. Our number one goal is to help you make healthy happen and the best way to do it is by finding the moments you can spare to get your heart rate pumping!


Here are a few of our favourite times to sneak in some calorie burning, like when you…

Wake Up a Few Minutes Early.....

When you wake up before the sun, you have two choices—turn over and catch a few extra ZZs OR get up and start your day with a little exercise. Start with a good stretch and move on to some core exercises on your floor. Russian twists, marching planks and donkey kicks are all great exercises to start your day off right! 

Put on favourite movie, but Don’t Chill....

Sometimes you just need a night to binge your favourite shows and relax from all the chaos the holidays can bring. Instead of heading to the couch with a bowl of popcorn, take it to the floor instead and start feeling the burn. Try a wall sit and time yourself. However long you can stand it, try and beat it on your next round!   

Are Waiting for the Laundry to Dry .....

You transferred the laundry over and finished folding the latest load. While you’re waiting for the dryer to beep with your next, why don’t you take a few minutes to do a mat work out? Mountain climbers , push ups, planks—they can all be done on the floor without needing any equipment!

Take Your Lunch Break......

A 9-5 can make it difficult to stay active and get your blood pumping during the day. We totally understand , which is why we’re sharing a few ideas for you to get your heart rate up in between emails and deadlines. Try doing a few reps of chair squats, tricep dips or challenge yourself to a minute of high knees! Some days you won’t be able to find the time, but when you can—get burn in’.....

The Ultimate Back Workout: The Best Back Exercises for a Thick, Wide Back.

The Ultimate Back Workout: The Best Back Exercises for a Thick, Wide Back.          If you want a wide, thick, and strong back, the...